Each year we choose two charities to support. We fund raise throughout the year and last year raised over £15,000.
This year we are supporting Papyrus UK and Willow Wood Hospice.
Papyrus UK is a national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. Suicide is the biggest killer of people aged 35 and under in the UK and Papyrus believe that many suicides are preventable. The charity was founded in 1997 by a group of bereaved parents who had each lost a child to suicide. Since then Papyrus has grown into a UK wide charity and are a leading youth suicide prevention charity in the UK.
Willow Wood Hospice is an adult Hospice providing specialist pallative care for patients with life limiting illnesses, both cancer and non cancer diagnosis. They provide care, free of charge and put patients, families and their carers at the centre of everything they do.
We are proud to be supporting both of these and have members of staff to whom these have personal connections.
Our first fund raiser this year was the participation in the Manchester 10k. We had a team of 10 colleagues who completed this event.